Should You Use Vitamin C Serum Everyday? Find Out the Truth

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Vitamin C serum has received much praise lately for its ability to brighten dull skin and fade dark spots. So, should you use vitamin C serum every day?

The answer is yes. Vitamin C serum is a powerful product that can help protect your skin from sun rays and pollution, two things we encounter during our daily routine.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at vitamin C serum and explore whether or not it’s a good idea to use it every day.

What Is Vitamin C Serum?

Vitamin C serum is a liquid-like product that contains a high concentration of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can trigger your skin’s natural production of collagen, reduce inflammation and protect your skin from free radicals.

When applied topically, vitamin C serums can help treat hyperpigmentation, delay signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines and give you radiant skin.

You can get these serums over the counter from drugstores or online stores. Or, you can make them at home with ingredients like vitamin C powder, vitamin E oil, distilled water, etc.

Should You Use Vitamin C Serum Everyday?

Yes, you should. However, it’s important to keep in mind that vitamin C can be irritating if you have sensitive skin.

If you have sensitive skin, use a vitamin C serum with a low concentration of L-ascorbic acid (around 5%), then gradually increase the concentration once your skin becomes more tolerant.

Also, remember to use sunscreen when using vitamin C serum in the morning to protect your skin from UV damage throughout the day.

Why Should You Use Vitamin C Serum Everyday?

It reduces signs of aging

The most significant benefit of using vitamin C serum every day is that it helps your skin to look younger. This is because vitamin C helps in the production of collagen by neutralizing free radicals.

Collagen is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin, thereby keeping your skin looking young and healthy.

It protects against sun damage

Another benefit of using vitamin C serum every day is that it protects your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun. It also repairs any damage done by the sun to your skin.

Vitamin C serum can help you avoid getting sunspots and wrinkles due to sun damage, which will make you look older than your actual age.

It can reduce inflammation

Vitamin C serum can reduce inflammation caused by acne or other conditions because of its anti-inflammatory effects.

This makes vitamin C an excellent ingredient for people who have acne-prone skin because it reduces redness and irritation while also promoting healthy collagen production to heal breakouts quicker.

It brightens skin

Vitamin C serum can brighten your complexion because vitamin C helps to inhibit the production of melanin in the skin. Melanin gives our skin color, but too much of it can cause hyperpigmentation and brown spots.

Reducing melanin levels with vitamin C can help lighten these spots, brighten the overall complexion, and give you glowing skin.

Side Effects of Using Vitamin C Serum

Like many skincare products, vitamin C serum can cause side effects for some people. The most common side effects are irritation and redness, particularly for people with sensitive skin.

Irritation and redness might be because of the pH of the product or because you are using too much of the product. If your skin is irritated or red after applying vitamin C serum, reduce its usage or change the product.

Another potential side effect is contact dermatitis. This happens when your skin is allergic to vitamin C or other ingredients in your serum, such as fragrances or preservatives.

If you experience an allergic reaction, stop using the serum immediately and consider trying a different brand that doesn’t contain the ingredient causing your reaction.

How to Use Vitamin C Serum

  • The first step is to cleanse your skin with a non-drying cleanser and apply a toner. This will help clear out any dirt and prepare your skin for the serum.
  • Once you have cleansed your face, pat dry and apply the serum to all areas of your face (forehead, cheeks, under eyes, etc.).
  • If you using any prescription acne medications, wait at least 15 minutes after applying your vitamin C serum before applying those products.
  • Finally, apply a moisturizer and sunscreen to seal in moisture and protect your skin from UV rays.

How Do You Know Your Vitamin C Serum Is High Quality?

A high-quality vitamin C serum should be a clear, pale yellow color. If your vitamin C serum is dark yellow or orange, you may want to toss it out. This means that your product has oxidized and is no longer effective.

Another sign of a poor quality vitamin C product is if it smells bad. A good-quality vitamin C serum should not have an unpleasant smell. It should either have no scent or a slight citrus scent from the vitamin C present in the formula.

It’s also important to note that some serums contain ineffective forms of vitamin C or don’t contain enough concentrations of L-ascorbic acid (the gold standard for vitamin C).

To be sure you’re getting your money’s worth for vitamin C serum, keep an eye out for products that contain at least 10% L-ascorbic acid. Lower concentrations may not be effective at treating the signs of aging or preventing future damage.

How Long Does Vitamin C Serum Take to Work?

4-8 weeks. After about four weeks, you’ll start to notice a real improvement in your skin’s texture and feel. At this point, you should also begin to see a brighter skin tone and more even coloration.

And by around eight weeks, you should start seeing a reduction in lines and wrinkles as well as fading of sunspots or discoloration from acne scarring.

To get faster results, it’s important to follow the instructions on your product’s packaging. Apply the recommended amount of serum, and allow it to absorb into your skin for up to 15 minutes before applying any other product.

If you apply a moisturizer or sunscreen too soon after applying the vitamin C serum, you might dilute the serum and reduce its effectiveness.

How to Make a DIY Vitamin C Serum

Making your vitamin C serum takes just minutes, and you can customize it with other beneficial ingredients like vegetable glycerin and vitamin E oil.

Start with this basic recipe, then experiment until you find your perfect formula:

Step 1: Prepare the tools and ingredients

You’ll need a small funnel, which can be found in any kitchen supply store or ordered online. You’ll also need vitamin C powder, distilled water, glycerin, vitamin E oil, and an empty bottle with a dropper top.

Step 2: Measure the ingredients

Put 1/4 cup of distilled water into the bottle and add 2 teaspoons of vitamin C powder. Measure out 1 teaspoon glycerin and 1/2 teaspoon vitamin E oil and pour it into the bottle.

Step 3: Shake well

Close the bottle and shake it vigorously for 30 seconds to ensure that the vitamin C dissolves. The serum should be clear or light yellow if you used distilled water.

Keep in mind that it’s best to make small batches at a time because vitamin C serum oxidizes quickly, especially when you expose it to light.


How do you get vitamin C from your diet?

You can get vitamin C from a variety of vegetables and fruits, including oranges, strawberries, papaya, bell peppers, and broccoli.

When is the best time to apply vitamin C serum?

The best time to apply your vitamin C serum is after cleansing, toning, and exfoliating skin, but before applying moisturizer. This allows your skin to fully absorb the serum and reap the full benefits of its nutrients.

How long does vitamin C serum last?

2-3 months. To get the most out of your vitamin C serum, use it within three months of opening the bottle. For best results, store vitamin C serum in a cool, dark place to preserve its potency and effectiveness.


While there is no definitive guide to how often you should use vitamin C serum, using it every day will significantly improve your skin’s tone and texture.

However, if your skin is sensitive, it’s best to use a low concentration of vitamin C serum and then gradually increase the concentration with time.

Thanks for reading.

Visit Serum101 if you’re curious about vitamin C serum and want to learn more about its benefits and side effects.