Skincare Quotes: 85+ Quotes to Get You Going on Your Skincare Journey

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Skincare is many things you never thought it to be. You can only get better by knowing what to do about your skin. Sometimes, you may feel like doing nothing about your skin. Skincare quotes help you get it together on those days.

Your skin transcends your face to the skin on every part of your body. Skincare is very important, and it is not just for the sake of the better appearance of your skin. Skincare also influences the health of your skin.

In this article are different categories of skincare quotes to keep you going on the days when your skin seems to be everything you dreamed of it to be…and on the days when it looks nothing like it.

1. Beauty Skincare Quotes

  • “Be good to your skin. You’ll wear it every day for the rest of your life.” – Renée Rouleau
  • “Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty.” – Coco Chanel
  • “Taking care of your skin is more important than covering it up.” – Nicole Valek
  • “To me, beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are.” – Ellen DeGeneres
  • “Look after yourself from within, and your beauty will shine through on your skin.” – Jana Elston
  • “Filters are great but great skin is better.” – Unknown
  • “Beauty has no skin tone.” – Unknown
  • “Look after yourself from within. And your beauty will shine through your skin.” – Shanina Shaik
  • “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you are most beautiful.” – Zoë Kravitz
  • “All the makeup in the world won’t make a difference without great skincare.” – Khloe Kardashian
  • “Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” – D. H. Lawrence
  • “A woman is most beautiful when she smiles. Other than that, the most valuable tip I’ve learned is always to use a skin moisturizer.” – Beyonce Knowles

2. Skincare Quotes for Laughs

  • “Siri, remove my makeup.” – Unknown
  • “I regret taking such good care of my skin.” – Said No One Ever
  • “Money might not buy happiness…but I’d rather be crying in my face mask.” – Unknown
  • “Good things come to those that take their makeup off before going to bed.” – Unknown
  • “I just want clear skin, full eyebrows, and five million dollars.” – Unknown
  • “I like my products like I like my people, non-toxic.” – Unknown
  • “‘You are not like the other girls.’… You’re right. My nighttime routine has six serums in it.” – Unknown
  • “I hope your day is as smooth as your forehead.” – Unknown
  • “Roses are red, violets are blue. No one needs roses but botox would do.” – Unknown
  • “Mascara goes on better with your mouth open.” – Unknown
  • “Step one in facing acne: Recognize the words and messages it’s using against you.” – Aarti Patel

3. Skincare Quotes to Boost Your Confidence

  • “You are never too old to become younger.” – Mae West
  • “A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.” – Marilyn Monroe
  • “A beautiful day starts with a beautiful skincare routine.” – Unknown
  • “Confidence level: selfie with no filter.” – Unknown
  • “Take care of your skin and your confidence will take care of itself.” – Amit Kalantri
  • “We believe beautiful skin means healthy skin.” – Alexa Smith
  • “Happiness and confidence are the prettiest things you can wear.” – Taylor Swift
  • “I think women should start to embrace their age. What’s the alternative to getting older? You die. I can’t change the day I was born, but I can take care of my skin, my body, and my mind, and try to live my life and be happy.” – Olivia Munn
  • “For me, taking care of your skin is the most important step. You can cover it with all the makeup you have, and it’s still not as nice as beautiful skin.” – Astrid Berges
  • “Exfoliate the bad vibes.” – Unknown
  • “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” – Coco Chanel

4. Natural Skincare Quotes

  • “I am a big believer in that if you focus on good skincare, you really won’t need a lot of makeup.” – Demi Moore
  • “It takes a lot to shine without makeup; it takes courage, strength, self-esteem, and a good serum.” – Nubelease
  • “Whether I’m wearing lots of makeup or no makeup, I’m always the same person inside.” – Lady Gaga
  • “Glowing skin is a result of proper skincare. It means you can wear less make-up and let skin shine through.” – Michael Coulombe
  • “Get skincare smart and go natural. The best skin foods are found in nature, not in glossy branded jars.” – Eva Rukikaire Mwine
  • “Skincare is essential, makeup is a choice. Make good choices.” – Unknown
  • “Inner beauty needs no makeup.” – Unknown
  • “Makeup is art. Beauty is spirit.” – Unknown
  • “Happiness is the best makeup.” – Drew Barrymore
  • “Foundation should unify tone. But it shouldn’t take away the individuality of the skin.” – Francois Nars
  • “Makeup is self-confidence applied directly to the face.” – Unknown

5. Quotes for Glowing Skin

  • “Beautiful glowing skin is the basis of any look.” – Unknown
  • “Glowing skin is always in.” – Unknown
  • “The best foundation you can wear is healthy glowing skin.” – Nicole Valek
  • “It’s time to glow from within without letting anyone get in your way, including yourself.” – Unknown
  • “Glow is the essence of beauty.” – Estee Lauden

6. Selflove Quotes

  • “I am a better person when I’m moisturized.” – Unknown
  • “I’m nicer when my skin looks good.” – Unknown
  • “Self-care is not luxury; it is a necessity.” – Unknown
  • “I’m comfortable in my own skin, no matter how much it’s stretched.” – Dolly Parton
  • “Loving yourself isn’t vanity, it’s sanity.” – Katrina Mayer
  • “You can judge my body all you want, but at the end of the day, it’s my body. I love it and I’m comfortable in my own skin.” – Simone Biles
  • “Love your body because you only have one.” – Unknown

7. Quotes to Push You to Your Skincare Goals

  • “Your skin routine is a bank account. Invest wisely.” – Unknown
  • “Your skin is an investment, not an expense.” – Unknown
  • “The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain
  • “Great skin does not happen by chance. It happens by appointment.” – Unknown
  • “Your skin is 90% of your selfie.” – Unknown
  • “Life goal: a bank account as full as my lips.” – Unknown
  • “Invest in your skin; it’s going to represent you for a very long time.” – Linden Tyler

8. Inspirational Skincare Quotes

  • “Life isn’t perfect, but your skin can be.” – Unknown
  • “Real skin has texture, pores, and even the occasional blemish. The goal is healthy skin, not perfect skin.” – Sean Garrette
  • “I could stop buying skincare but I’m not a quitter.” – Unknown
  • “Be brave and do your skincare.” – Unknown
  • “Beauty is a deeply personal journey that manifests itself on the inside and outside.” – Hanya Marie
  • “Age is just a number… especially when your skincare is on point!” – Unknown
  • “Taking care of your skin is more important than covering it up.” – Unknown

9. Skincare Reminders

  • “Remember, it’s a skin-vestment.” – Unknown
  • “Your skin has a memory. In ten, twenty, thirty years from now, your skin will show the results of how it was treated today. So, treat it kindly and with respect.” – Violet Grey
  • “Flawless skin starts with a flawless skincare routine.” – Unknown
  • “Your skin is your best accessory. Make sure you take care of it.” – Unknown
  • “Good skincare is a lifetime commitment.” – George Louise
  • “Your makeup game will never be a 10 if your skincare game is only a 2.” – Unknown
  • “Be your own kind of beautiful.” – Unknown
  • “Always wash your face before you go to bed – skincare is key.” – Kelsea Ballerini
  • “Don’t forget that healing takes time. Don’t expect to try meditation and a new skincare line and end up with perfect skin in a week. Give yourself the gift of time and patience. The body is a complicated, miraculous system and each body processes change in its own time.” – Yancy Lael

10. Quotes for the Journey

  • “Skincare is like dieting. You have to invest time and effort. There is no instant miracle cure.” – Karen Grant
  • “Beautiful skin requires commitment, not a miracle.” – Erno Laszlo
  • “Skincare is a journey. Enjoy the process.” – Unknown
  • “Sleep, drink water, and treat your skin.” – Georgia Louise
  • “You are one facial away from a good mood.” – Unknown
  • “Facials are workouts for your skin.” – Unknown

11. Skincare Quotes for Monday

  • “When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.” – Unknown
  • “May your Monday be as flawless as your skin.” – Unknown
  • “May your coffee be strong, your SPF stronger and your Monday short.” – Unknown

12. Skincare Quotes for the Weekend

  • “Stay home. Do your skincare.” – Unknown
  • “Non-negotiables: good friends, good sleep, good skin care.” – Unknown
  • “Skin first. Makeup second. Smile Always.” – Unknown

13. Sunday Skincare Quotes

  • “Sundays are for face masks, bravo, and comfort food.” – Unknown


Why is skincare so important?

Skincare is important because it reflects the health of your skin. The environment already has enough against your skin’ the best you can do is to take good care of it – cleanse, wash, moisturize, treat, protect and love.

How do you know your skin type?

To find out your skin type, after your morning facial cleansing, dry your face and watch how it changes in the next 30 minutes or one hour.

If your face secretes oil and takes on a shiny look, you have oily skin. However, if it feels tight, you have dry skin. An oily T-zone is an indication of combination skin.

However, if your skin shows none of these signs and it feels hydrated and plump, you have normal skin.

How can you take care of your skin?

Skincare can be as easy as you want it to be with your skin goals in mind. Cleanse your skin always, exfoliate regularly and as needed, moisturize your skin, use a serum, use skin oils, consume vitamins and minerals, eat healthily and stay hydrated.  

In addition, there are other things you can do to keep your skin healthy and radiant, but the things listed above make up the basis of skincare.


If you’re passionate about skincare and the look of your skin, you’re certainly a lover of skincare quotes. Also, you probably have one or two to help cheer your friends, Instagram, and Snapchat followers.

If you’re a skincare newbie, you need some encouragement. These skincare quotes serve so many purposes. You can call them the non-topical aesthetic products on your routine.

Cheers to better skin days.

Thanks for reading.

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