Age, body changes, and certain lifestyle habits change the appearance of the skin. One such skin change is the spider veins. Having spider veins on the legs and hands is concealable but when they crawl up to your face… going out could get tough.
However, skin changes like spider veins do not threaten your health. They are cosmetic problems that affect skin complexion and of course, your self-esteem. It is a prevalent skin condition among women, and they are the most concerned about this intimidating phenomenon.
Before you go into the article to find out the treatment options, relax on this knowledge, “spider veins are not harmful, they are not a cause for alarm”.
In this article, you’ll get to understand what spider veins are, their causes, and possible treatment options to help rid them.
What Are Spider Veins on the Face?
Spider veins do look like a spider web. They are tiny, broken blood vessels of different colors that rise to the surface of the skin and affect the complexion and appearance of the affected skin area.
Despite how they look, they do not come with pains or swelling around the affected area. Spider veins are harmless skin concerns. When broken blood vessels get dilated or enlarged, they take on a spidery look which makes people uncomfortable.
Although they appear on almost any area of the skin, the face and legs are the most commonly affected parts. Furthermore, facial skin is one of the most exposed skin on the body. This makes it very susceptible to this phenomenon.
Almost anyone can get spider veins, regardless of gender and age. More so, if you have a parent who once had or has spider veins, there is a great likelihood that you get them sometime later in life.
What Are the Causes of Spider Veins on the Face?
Spider veins appear on the face for various reasons that range from genetics to environmental influences on the skin. The cause of the broken blood vessels that appear on your face determines whether they are permanent or not.
1. Genetically inherited spider veins
Just like physical characteristics are passed down from parents to children, spider veins are also handed down via genes. Most times, it begins to manifest as a person begins to age. This type rarely has a cure except if they are removed through cosmetic procedures.
2. Pregnancy
Spider veins associated with pregnancy are a result of hormonal imbalance. Pregnancy is naturally accompanied by an increase in estrogen levels. This increase makes blood vessels dilate and inadvertently increases blood flow.
Consequently, this manifests as a spidery appearance of the veins. However, with time, it goes away after childbirth.
3. Binge drinking
Alcohol consumption, when excessive, increases blood pressure. This increase in blood pressure makes the veins dilate and become enlarged. Alongside skin flushing that comes with binge drinking, permanent spider veins begin to form as well.
4. Facial injuries
When some facial injuries, when left duly unattended, progress into spider veins on the face. Bruises on your face can expose broken blood vessels. However, this cause is not permanent; the spidery veins disappear as the injuries begin to heal.
5. Exposure to sunlight
Exposure to ultraviolet radiation can lead to sunburn. Also, it damages some skin cells and causes the blood vessels to grow bigger. With prolonged exposure and if unattended to, spider veins begin to appear on the surface of the face.
6. Environmental temperature changes
Weather changes are characterized by temperature changes. As the temperature of your environment increases, blood vessel dilation also increases. Consequently, spider veins come up to the surface of your skin.
7. Exposure to chemicals
Exposure to chemicals in your environment or certain chemicals in your beauty products can cause the formation of spider veins.
Furthermore, depending on the severity of this exposure and how toxic the chemicals are, the broken blood vessels on your face may be temporary or permanent.
8. Skin conditions
Skin conditions like rosacea are sometimes accompanied by spider veins. It alters the skin complexion with redness and a spidery network of veins.
Moreover, illnesses that make you exert so much pressure during sneezes or vomiting can make broken blood vessels appear on the surface of your skin.
Treatment Options for Spider Veins on the Face
The available treatment options for spider veins on the face include medical treatments and home remedies. The option you choose to go with depends on the severity and cause of the broken blood vessels on your face.
1. Medical Treatment
Laser therapy
Laser therapy is a popular medical procedure that effectively helps to remove stretch marks, unwanted facial hairs, and even spider veins. This method uses laser lights to permanently destroy the veins that form the spidery network.
A dermatologist should prescribe this treatment option before you get it done. In addition, spider veins may not disappear from your face immediately after one appointment. There should be repeated treatments for the veins to finally disappear
Sclerotherapy uses a salt solution to get rid of spider veins. The salt solution is injected into the dilated veins to close them up. Thereafter, blood coming into those blood vessels redirect into invisible, unaffected veins.
Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy
Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is quite similar to laser therapy, only that it uses light of different wavelengths to destroy the spider veins. This light penetrates past the top layer of the skin into the deep layers without causing any damage to the top layer.
2. Home Remedies
Here are some home remedies that can help the appearance of spider veins, but they do not make them go away permanently.
Apple cider vinegar (ACV)
ACV works like an astringent. Applying ACV every day as a toner can help reduce skin redness. As an astringent, it pulls the skin tighter and improves the appearance of the spider veins. You should note that as an astringent, it can be quite drying on your skin.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera gel has strong anti-inflammatory properties. It can help reduce skin redness and flushing that characterize the appearance of spider veins. This method, however, is not a permanent cure for spider veins.
Applying cold compress
Applying an ice pack to your face after hours of being in the sun can help reduce the prominence of these veins. It can also prevent a worse appearance of spider veins.
How to Prevent Spider Veins on the Face
Below are some helpful tips to prevent spider veins from appearing on your face:
- Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight
- Make a habit of washing your face with warm water
- Reduce alcohol intake
- Cut down on time spent in spas, tanning beds, and saunas
- Wear protective gears if you’ll be in the sun for too long
Does alcohol cause spider veins on the face?
Alcohol intake is one of the lifestyle causes of spider veins. Over time, alcohol consumption reduces collagen levels in the walls of the blood vessels. The blood vessels also become thinner and eventually appear on your face as spider veins.
Do spider veins ever go away permanently?
There are few cases where spider veins go away permanently. Home remedies and topical creams can help improve the appearance of these broken blood vessels but it takes some medical procedures to get rid of them permanently.
Can you use retinol to remove spider veins?
Retinol is not a perfect treatment for spider veins but it can improve the appearance of dilated blood vessels and make your skin look better.
This vitamin A derivative stimulates cell regeneration and collagen production which are essential for skin elasticity and firmness.
Is vitamin C good for removing spider veins?
Yes, vitamin C can help the appearance of spider veins on your face.
Applying vitamin C products over the affected skin area increases collagen levels which in turn strengthens the walls of your blood vessels. It also calms redness and evens your skin tone.
Spider veins on the face are one of the many cosmetic concerns that plague the skin. It rarely is associated with a health condition unless it came up during an illness. And it usually goes away after a while.
Regardless of how it comes, spider veins on the face can affect one’s self-esteem. You can speed up things by trying any of the treatment options- medical procedures and home remedies.
Most importantly, whichever treatment option you choose to go with, you should go about it with the guidance of a doctor.
Thanks for reading.
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